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Things We Love Where to Stay

Relaxing in Northern Portugal – Hotel Minho

July 30, 2017

Our recent weekend escape to the North of Portugal was a cultural cocktail of exploring castles, wandering around small villages, getting lost in winding cobbled streets, photographing abandoned buildings and stopping…

Bucket Lists Guides

7 Cool Things to do in Lisbon for Digital Nomads

July 15, 2016

Digital Nomad Lisbon Tips for 2021
Lisbon is a unique city with unique characteristics: the sound of the old trams going up and down the hilly streets, the echo of…

Bucket Lists Guides

7 Reasons why I love Algarve

July 8, 2016

Algarve is the southern, sunny, beach paradise region of Portugal. This natural delight assembles some of the most beautiful and inviting beaches of the world, their water as blue…